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A core focus of the Classroom Advisory Committee (CAC) was to examine the current utilization of classroom and laboratory spaces to determine if the University has a sufficient inventory of learning spaces distributed across the campus. In addition to assessing the quantity of existing and required instructional spaces, CAC also considered the quality and types of different spaces, including more innovative classroom design and distance learning.

New developments in pedagogy emphasize the importance of interactive learning. Such learning may require different types of instructional spaces that deviate from the traditional classroom design. Pedagogical innovation is also supported by new and emerging technologies that could equip classrooms to both enhance teaching and learning experiences and increase the utilization of existing spaces.

Lastly, the committee noted that learning does not only happen in the classroom, and thus identified the additional need to examine opportunities for study spaces and non-traditional learning spaces, outside the classroom.

The Committee developed 31 recommendations under the following four general headings:

  1. General capital project guidelines

  2. Efficient utilization and scheduling of existing classroom space

  3. Design for 21st century teaching and learning

  4. Study spaces and non-traditional learning spaces

Several of the recommendations require a shift in current campus culture as it pertains to concepts of learning spaces and classroom utilization. Fortunately, this shift has already begun as departments adopt creative and flexible solutions to alleviate spaces issues. Many departments currently manage flexible spaces that serve several different functions to accommodate instructional and other needs. Additionally, many departments have forged relationships with partner departments and collaborate to share space to alleviate space issues.

For more information, please see the complete Report and Recommendation with appendices. Your questions and comments can be directed to Administrative Vice Chancellor Michael Beck at